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Reservation Paris Map Fair November 22, 2025

The 24th edition of the Paris Map Fair will feature many events. The event begins on Friday evening with a cocktail and dinner.
During the fair day on Saturday, November 9th, the fair will open at 11:00, and at
14:00  -  Jacques-Roger Vauclin, author of several books on navigation, will give two lectures :
1/ Les cartes anciennes à l’origine du roman français
2/ Le roman historique, réponse aux énigmes des cartes ancienne.

14h30—Conspiration Éditions: A lecture is given about the making of Cassini's legendary map of France. This 18th-century cartographic masterpiece is now reproduced by Conspiracy Editions, with an introduction by Jean-Luc Arnaud. The lecture also includes the making of this recently published facsimile work.
"Histoire de la carte et genèse du livre « La Carte de Cassini »

The lectures are free and given in French. Reservation is needed.

Get your VIP ticket now with free entry to the fair, cocktail reception and lectures below.

Paris cocktail

Cocktail reception - Friday 21 November - 19.00-20.00

19.00 - Cocktail reception in Hotel Ambassador
On Friday night, a cocktail reception will be held in Salle Mogador of the Ambassador Hotel, 16 Bd Haussmann, 75009 Paris. It is open to visitors and participating dealers.
The reception will feature a premium open bar.
The reception starts at 7 PM and will last for one hour.

This is a great opportunity to meet all dealers and map collectors in an unwinded atmosphere before the fair. Hôtel Ambassador, Salon Mogador, 16 Bd Haussmann,  75009 Paris
Free of charge - by reservation only.

Le Valentin

Le Valentine

Dinner - Friday 21 September - 20.30-22.00

20.30—Following the cocktail, a dinner will be organized in the Restaurant Le Valentin in the famous Passage Jouffroy. The dinner is open to participants and map collectors.
Price euros 48.00pp and limited to 20 pp.
By registration and pre-payment only.

Passage Jouffroy

24th Paris Map Fair
paris map fair

Map Fair - Saturday 22 September - 11.00-18.00

The 24th edition of the Paris Map-fair will take place on November 9th, 2024, and opens its doors for visitors at 11 am, again in Hotel Ambassador, in the heart of Paris, just 2 minutes from the famous Opera Garnier and the major department stores. Free entry - Free estimation of your maps, atlases and globes 

Hôtel Ambassador Mariott, 16 Bd Haussmann - 75009 Paris - France

Info : tél. +33 (0)6 11 80 33 75 Email :

Lecture by Jacques-Roger Vauclin, at 2.00 pm - 2.30 pm

Jacques-Roger Vauclin

There will be two lectures by Jacques-Roger Vauclin.
NOTE: The lectures are in French and free, but a reservation is needed.

Les cartes anciennes et le roman français 

1/ Les cartes anciennes à l’origine du roman français
Autour des livres Ivoire et malaguete et La géographe
- Petit Dieppe sur les cartes du XVII° siècle et le mythe des navigations normandes sur les côtes de Guinée au XIV° siècle
- Les Terres Australes Inconnues sur les mappemondes des XVI° et XVII ° siècles et le mystérieux voyage du capitaine de Gonneville en 1503-1504

2/ Le roman historique, réponse aux énigmes des cartes anciennes
Autour des livres La Grande Barrière, Les voyages de Suleimane et La Géographe
- L’Australie sur les cartes de Dieppe : une approche française ?
- Le détroit d’Anian, perdu et retrouvé

Free of charge - by reservation only. [RESERVE BELOW]

Please fill out and submit the form below and we will send you a free entry ticket for the Paris Map Fair opening at 11.00 - 18.00