updates you about the Amsterdam, Paris, Venice, London, and Mantova map fairs. In addition, you will find info about book fairs, which include map dealers.
Paris Map Fair
November, 2025 Hotel Ambassador, 19 Bvd Hausmann, 75006 Paris, France. Thirty-three national and international map dealers. The fair is a one-day event. Free entry to the fair.
This online catalog of fine and rare maps, sea charts, atlases, globes, prints, and atlases includes items provided by rare map dealers. All items are immediately available on a first-serve basis.
September 6, 2025 The second edition of the Amsterdam Map Fair will take place on Saturday 6 September, including thirty three national and international map dealers. The fair is a one-day event, including lectures.
March 21 - 23, 2025 The map fair is a 3-day event. 20 map dealers will show a good selection of town plans of Venice maps of Italy and all the world. A limited number of booths are still available. Contact us now.
May 17-18, 2025 Francesco Gonzaga Diocesan Museum, Mantova, Italy. The longest-running Italian event dedicated to the world of antiquarian books, prints and maps.
June 7 & 8, 2025 Royal Geographical Society, London, England. Forty national and some international map dealers show an extensive range of 16th to 20th-century maps. With lectures.
With a large title cartouche with signature of the maker Adriaan van der Ende, : Kaerte en Afbeeldinge vande Geheele Jurisdictie van Stantdarbuyten Gelegen in de Generaliteit onder Marquisaet van Bergen op den Zoom, gemaekt, en in den Jare van 1733, 1734, 1735 gemeten by my ondergetz… Willemstadt den 8 Julij 1737 Adr: van Enden.Adriaan van de Ende was a surveyor, appointed by the Council of Brabant in 1720, then living in Heyningen. Was later living and active in Willemstad.Other manuscript m...
Since its appearance as an Appendix in 1630, the atlas launched by
Willem Blaeu and continued by his son Joan had expanded greatly. But
despite many new regional maps the world map remained unchanged. For
some reason, Joan Blaeu's important wall map of 1648 was not immediately
adapted by his firm for atlas use.The New
World map prepared by Joan Blaeu for his eleven-volume 'Atlas Maior' in
1662 is, unlike its predecessor, in two hemispheres. Outside the twin
hemispheres at the top a...
Very rare political caricature map by Grossi of the nations of Europe, published in Bologna in the supplement of the newspaper "Le Perroquet / Al papagallo, N° 15, Anno VI.Known as the Octopus Map ; the brooding presence of the Russian Empire depicted as a massive octopus, whose tentacles stretch out towards Europe. In this map, the Octopus has Turkey, Persia and Poland but has been wounded by Crimea and is being fought off by Germany.This map, by Grossi, followed the style created by Frederick...
Claudii Ptolemaei Geographiae... Translated from the Greek into Latin by Jacobus Angelus.Collation: A-C8 D-E6 (A1 blank missing, A2r Registrum alphabeticum, E6 blank missing); a10 b-g8 h4 (a1 blank missing a2r text, h4 blank missing); 2a-b8 c6 (2a1r blank, 2a1v registrum super tractum de tribus orbis partibus, 2a2r-2c5r de locis ac mirabilibus mundi et primo de tribus orbis partibus, 2c5r colophon Hoc opus Ptholomei memorabile quidem et insigne exactissima diligentia castigatum iucondo quodam ca...
Henri Abraham Chatelain, whose Atlas Historique was one of the most expansive encyclopedias of the age. First published in 1705, Chatelain's Atlas Historique was part of an immense seven-volume encyclopedia. Although the main focus of the text was geography, the work also included a wealth of historical, political, and genealogical information. The text was compiled by Nicholas Gueudeville and Garillon with a supplement by H.P. de Limiers and the maps were engraved by Chatelain, primarily after...
ENLARGED EDITION, with 207 (of 208) engravings of a famous eyewitness account of the Dutch Revolt, with the famous "Leo Belgicus" map, here in its second state. One of the major sources for the history of the Low Countries during the beginning of their struggle for independence. This history of the religious wars in Belgium and Holland from 1559-87 is illustrated with Hogenberg's engravings (from his "Geschichtsblättern"), whereby the engravings for this edition were printed without the lower ...
On either side columns depicting the manner of dress in the major countries of Europe, surmounted by nine city views and plans.For European mapmakers their own continent contained few mysteries or secrets by the seventeenth century. However, the mythical island of Frisland still appears between Iceland and Greenland. The map is decorated with ships and a sea monster on the sea, bears on northern Russia, and lions on North Africa.
Inverted maritime compass called "mouchard" (spy) in wood and brass, signed "A Van Vastenhoud In Amsterdam". This type of compass was found in the captain's cabin and hanging above the captain's bed. The captain was so able to see the direction when he was in his cabin. This example is mounted in a wooden box to keep it safe. The compass itself is mounted on brass gimbals to keep it steady on a moving ship. It has a single iron needle with a brass cap that rests on a spike projecting from the bo...
This very rare chart is important as the first printed sea chart of France's Mediterranean coast, also depicting Catalunya's northern coast, the Italian Cote d'Azur till San Remo and Corsica's west coast.Willem Barentsz (1560-1597) was a famous pilot, discoverer and cartographer. Author of 'Nieuwe Beschrhryvinghe ende caertboeck van de Midlantsche Zee', the first printed pilot-guide of the Mediterranean. It is considered the supplement of Waghenaer's 'Spieghel der Zeevaerdt' for the Mediterranea...
Title page of the book Habiti delle Donne Venetiane" (Dress of Venetian Women) which consists of twenty numbered plates of ornately dressed women. This very decorative title page shows in to Rialto Bridge and in the center a bird's-eye plan of Venice.Giacomo Franco (1556-1620) was born and grew in Venice, where he used to work. He was the son of painter Giovanni-Battista Franco (1510-1561), with whom he began his artistic training at the age of eleven. He worked as a painter, engraver, woodcutte...
Claudii Ptolemaei Geographiae... Translated from the Greek into Latin by Jacobus Angelus.Collation: A-C8 D-E6 (A1 blank missing, A2r Registrum alphabeticum, E6 blank missing); a10 b-g8 h4 (a1 blank missing a2r text, h4 blank missing); 2a-b8 c6 (2a1r blank, 2a1v registrum super tractum de tribus orbis partibus, 2a2r-2c5r de locis ac mirabilibus mundi et primo de tribus orbis partibus, 2c5r colophon Hoc opus Ptholomei memorabile quidem et insigne exactissima diligentia castigatum iucondo quodam ca...
Very rare political caricature map by Grossi of the nations of Europe, published in Bologna in the supplement of the newspaper "Le Perroquet / Al papagallo, N° 15, Anno VI.Known as the Octopus Map ; the brooding presence of the Russian Empire depicted as a massive octopus, whose tentacles stretch out towards Europe. In this map, the Octopus has Turkey, Persia and Poland but has been wounded by Crimea and is being fought off by Germany.This map, by Grossi, followed the style created by Frederick...
Extremely rare panoramic broad sheet panoramic town-view of Venice with underneath in letter press a description of the town's history.The view measures more than 1 meter. The foreground is animated with a great variety of sailing vessels.The printer's address is dated 1699, but the tile has the date 1700. Most likely, Jaillot published the view to celebrate the turn of the century!
1st VENICE INTERNATIONAL MAP FAIR Prima Map Fair internazionale a Venezia
Mostra mercato di carte topografiche, vedute, mappe, libri di viaggio e curiosità veneziane dal XVI al XX secolo
Palazzo Pisani – Revedin | Venezia, 21, 22, 23 marzo 2025
Una selezione di 20 specialisti della cartografia di tutto il mondo esporrà carte, vedute e mappe
di città e atlanti, dedicando una particolare attenzione alla città di Venezia. Cartografi di ogni
parte d’Italia e d’Europa, si incontreranno per la prima volta nella città lagunare all’apertura
della primavera, presso la prestigiosa sede di Palazzo Pisani Revedin, centro espositivo
polifunzionale a due passi dal ponte di Rialto.
L’intento sarà quello di esporre collezioni, rare incisioni di vedutisti veneziani quali
Carlevaris, Canaletto, Brustolon, Van der A, Marieschi, Visentini, insieme ad altre curiosità
cartacee veneziane.
Lux in Art Gallery, galleria specializzata in stampe antiche e co-organizzatrice dell’evento,
metterà a disposizione le proprie competenze e conoscenze dei propri colleghi per coordinare
il gruppo.
Location: Palazzo Pisani Revedin, Sestiere San Marco 4013/A, Venezia
Parking: Venezia Tronchetto (
Trasporti: Vaporetto n. 1 o 2 – Fermata Ponte di Rialto (
Hotel raccomandati:
Hotel Centauro, Venezia
Hotel Mercure, Venezia – Mestre
Belstay Hotel, Venezia – Mestre
Biglietti d’ingresso:
L’ingresso alla mostra, su scelta del Palazzo, sarà di €5 per i visitatori.
LUX IN ART (Ermanno Bertelli)
Via Zamboni 9, 40126 Bologna, Italy
tel. +39 3921330702 email : direction [at]
VLAANDEREN, Cornelis André - L'Europe en Sept 1939. Ille terrarum mihi angulus ridet..
(Brugge, 1939).
GROSSI, A. - La Piovra Russa. Carta Serio-Comica Pel 1878. (Bologne, 14 april 1878)
JAILLOT,H. - Venise 1699 (Paris 1699). 545 x 1060 mm.
PTOLEMY, C. - Atlas. Claudii Ptolemaei Geographiae.... (Rome, Petrus de Turre, 4 November, 1490) With 27 DOUBLE-PAGE ENGRAVED MAPS.
MITELLI, G. - [Il mondo a pezzi - Europa]. (Bologna, 1690)