[The Americas] AMERIQUE
A map depicting both the Americas. With on both sides a descriptionary text. All within an elaborate and very decorative border. Claude Buy de Mornas (d. 1783), géographe du roi (1764). Atlas Méthodique et Elémentaire de Géographie et d' Histoire, 1761, Atlas Historique et Géographique, 1762.
[Lot of 2 maps] Kaart van de onderkoningschappen van Mexico en Nieuw Granada/ Carte de l'Isle de la Martinique, / antique map of the main Carabean islands] Cuba Insula, inset: Havanna portus; Hispanolia Insula.
Kaart van de onderkoningschappen van Mexico en Nieuw Granada in de Spaansche West-Indien. Carte de l'Isle de la Martinique, 1838 Together 2 maps.- Kaart van de onderkoningschappen van Mexico en nieuw Granada - Carte de l' isle de la Martinique
A Map of the most Inhabited part of New England containing the Provinces of Massachusetts Bay and New Hampshire, with the Colonies of Connecticut and Rhode Island.
A copper engraving in four sheets, published in Georges Louis Le Rouge, in his "Atlas Ameriqua in Septentrional Contenant les details des differentes provinces, de ce vaste continent, traduit des cartes levées par ordre du Gouvernement Britannique". This is a very close copy of the second edition, the second issue of the Jefferys-Green map, even down to the spelling, in the statement of sources, of Connecticut with 'k's (but translated into French). The title cartouche is also a straight copy, ...
Nieuwe Wassende Graade Zee Kaart over de Spaanse Zee Vant Kanaal tot 't Eyland Cuba In Westindia.
Rare two-sheet blue-back sea chart of the Atlantic and Eastern part of North America., published by Gerard Van Keulen. The map extends from the latitude of Newfoundland and the English Channel in the north to the Equator in the south.In North America, most of the Great Lakes are shown and a large lake (Apalache Lac) in South Carolina. Florida is presented in a triangular shape.Florida is shown in a triangular model, with large islands forming the tip and numerous soundings along the coast. The ...
[Lot of 5 maps] Kaart van de noord-west kust van Amerika en de noord-oost kust van Asia.
- Kaart van de noord-west kust van Amerika en de noord-oost kust van Asia. Opgenoomen in de Jaaren 1778 en 1779.Captain James Cook (1728-79), explorer, circumnavigator and hydrographer. Three voyages, 1768-71, 1772-75 and 1776-79. From 1778 on printed editions of ' Captain Cook's Travels' appeared in English, Italian, French and Dutch east coast. From a Dutch edition of Cook's voyages'.- Carte d'une Partie DE L'AMERIQUE SEPTRIONALE qui comprendles POSSESSIONA ANGLAISES. This map depicts colonia...
[Lot of 2 maps] Important plan of Port Bucarelli 1384 / Chart of the entrance of "Bassin de L'Quest", La Perouse. 1709
Chart of the entrance of "Bassin de L'Quest", La Perouse. 1709 / With antique print of Alaska] Pirogue du port des Francais. / Pirogue, trouvee au port des Francais. 5958 / [Antique map of Alaska] Plan der Haven van Namganoodha in het eiland van Oonolaska. 2665 / Antique detail chart of the Nootka Channel] Schets van het Kanaal van Nootka. 3860. Plus 6 prints of natives of Alaska and their utensils. A plan of Port Bucarelli, Jean François Galoup, Comte de la Pérouse (1741-88), outstanding Fren...