Showing results 1 to 9
De Roo
Antiquariaat De Roo, based in Zwijndrecht (The Netherlands), was found in 2004 by Bart de Roo. We sell all kinds of old and rare books, our specialization is (fine) bindings, hand-colored works, religion, history, travel, exploration, ...
Netherlands, Zwijndrecht
Neatline Antique Maps
Michael Jennings received his Ph.D. with honors in Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations from the University of Chicago. His dissertation — “Beyond the Walls of Jericho: Khirbet al-Mafjar and the Signature Landscapes of the Jericho Plain” — ...
United States, California, Tiburon
Trippini Studio Bibliografico
Sergio Trippini began in 1980 with collecting engravings about Italian lakes and, in 1988, decided to devote himself to their trade, extending his sphere of interests and knowledge. The subjects treated are Italian views in the form of single prints or bo ...
Italy, VA, Gavirate
Barry Lawrence Ruderman Antique Maps
We are dealers in fine and rare original antique maps and atlases dating from the 15th to 20th centuries. Our online inventory includes around 10,000 authentic an ...
United States, California, La Jolla
Paryro beheert een collectie 16de-19de eeuwse zeekaarten en maritime tekeningen en prenten. Roland Boelen is ook eigenaar van "Ontzamelen", en wil u graag helpen bij het verkopen van uw kunst collectie.Ontzamelen is  a company that can assist you when ...
Netherlands, Amsterdam
Paul Bremmers Antiquariaat
Paul Bremmers Antiquariaat is in the center of Maastricht, a lovely city in the south of The Netherlands, right between Brussels and Cologne. We participate in several European fairs such as the Antiquarian Book and Print Fairs in Amsterdam, Paris, Mechel ...
Netherlands, Maastricht
Caert Thresoor
Caert-Thresoor, een uitgave van de Barent Langenes Stichting, is het enige Nederlandse tijdschrift dat geheel gewijd is aan de geschiedenis van de kartografie. De artikelen behandelen verschillende aspecten van de geschiedenis van de kartografie, zoals st ...
Netherlands, Delft
Paulus Swaen Old Maps
Paulus Swaen Inc. specializes in maps, atlases, globes, travel posters, master prints and decorative prints from the 16th - 18th century.  We specialize in antique maps of all parts of the world, produced by renowned cartographers, ...
United States, Florida, Clearwater