Paris Map Fair
Paris Map Fair
Paris Map Fair
Participants List | Reservation Cocktail | Expo | Exhibitors SectionParticipants List | Reservation Cocktail | Expo | Exhibitors Section |
24th Paris Map-Fair
Saturday, 22 November 2025
11 h 00 - 18h 00
Free entry - Free estimation of your maps, atlases and globes
Hôtel Ambassador Mariott
16 Bd Haussmann - 75009 Paris - France
Info: tél. +33 (0)1 84 88 45 86 - +33 (0)6 11 80 33 75
Email : paris@map-fair.com
The 24th edition of the Paris Map Fair will take place on November 8th, 2025, and will open its doors for visitors at 11 a.m., again in Hotel Ambassador, in the heart of Paris, just two minutes from the famous Opera
Garnier and the major department stores.
Librairie Loeb-Larocque, Librairie LeBail, Pingel Rare Books, Sylvie et Roland Rossignol are only some of the 33 dealers who will be showing atlases, maps, town views, and travel books from all over the world. Specialist antique globe dealers Bart DeRoo and Paulus Swaen will also show a fine selection of globes and surveying instruments.
Our non-European participants, the map dealers Barry Ruderman, Neatline Antique Maps, RD Rare Books and Maps, Paulus Swaen and Geographicus from the USA, add to the fair's international character.
Friday 21 November 2025
19.00 - Cocktail reception in Hotel Ambassador
- A cocktail reception will be held in Salle Mogador of the Ambassador Hotel, 16 Bd Haussmann, 75009 Paris. It is open to visitors and participating dealers and will feature a premium open bar. The reception will start at 7 PM and last one hour.
- This is an excellent opportunity to meet all dealers and other map collectors in an unwinded atmosphere before the fair.
- Free entry - by reservation only.
20.30 - 22.00 - Diner in a typical Parisian Bistro
There is a diner in Restaurant Le Valentine in the famous Passage Jouffrey. Open for dealers, collectors and map enthusiasts. 48 euros pp. By reservation and pre-payment only.
Saturday, 22 November 2025
11.00 AM - 6.00 PM - 23rd Paris Map Fair
- Free entree
- Free estimation of your maps, atlases, globes and instruments
- Exposition: "Cartes Marines et Monstres Marins" - Antique maritime charts, whether printed or manuscript form, often depict monsters, giving a romantic appeal far stronger than land maps.
Read more about this expo [+]
11h00 - 18h00 - Paris Map-Fair / 24e Salon de la Carte Géographique Ancienne, de l'Atlas & du Globe
Free entry.
An expert will offer you a free valuation of your maps, atlases, and globes.
14h00 - 14.30 - Lectures by Jacques-Roger Vauclin
Free entry.
The lectures are given in French.
By reservation only. RESERVE NOW [+]
14h00 Les cartes anciennes à l’origine du roman français
Autour des livres Ivoire et malaguete et La géographe
- Petit Dieppe sur les cartes du XVII° siècle et le mythe des navigations normandes sur les côtes de Guinée au XIV° siècle
- Les Terres Australes Inconnues sur les mappemondes des XVI° et XVII ° siècles et le mystérieux voyage du capitaine de Gonneville en 1503-1504
14h15 Le roman historique, réponse aux énigmes des cartes anciennes
Autour des livres La Grande Barrière, Les voyages de Suleimane et La Géographe
- L’Australie sur les cartes de Dieppe : une approche française ?
14h30 Conspiration Éditions : Histoire de la
carte et genèse du livre « La Carte de
Cassini »
Participation of 33 national and international participants
France/ Paris : Librairie Loeb-Larocque, Librairie Le Bail, Pingel Rare Books, Sylvie et Roland Rossignol, Gallerie Martinez-St.Sulpice.
U.S.A : Barry Lawrence Ruderman Antique Maps Inc - La Jolla (CA), Geographicus Rare
Antique Maps - Brooklyn (NY), Rdraremapsandbooks - Pasadena (CA), Neatline
Antique Maps - Tiburon (CA), Paulus Swaen - Clearwater (FL).
The Netherlands : Bart
de Roo - Zwijndrecht, Dat
Narrenschip - Middelburg.
Belgique : Sanderus - Gent, Il Labirinto - Gent Sint-Denijs-Westrem, The Brussels Map Circle - Bruxelles.
Germany : Norbert Haas - Bedburg, Adina Sommer -
Munich. Hanno Schreyer- Bonn, Graphisches Antiquariat und Kunsthandel
Braun Inh. Marion A Rodenberg - Wupperthal, Antiquariat Hanno Schreyer - Bonn.
Italy : Old Times - Perugia, Sergio Trippini - Gavirate, Studio Bibliografico Morghen - Rome
Cyprus : Eosphoros Antique Books & Images Ltd. - Nicosia, Orientum Maps and Books Ltd - Nicosia
United Kingdom : Altea Rare Maps & Charts - London.
See details of the participating dealers here [+]
Professional map dealers
Look here for more info
when you are a professional antique map, print, globe, atlas or
instrument dealer and you have an interest in participating at the 2024
Paris Map-Fair
Librairie Loeb-Larocque
31 rue de Tolbiac, 750213 Paris, France
Tél.: +33 6 11803375
Email: paris@map-fair.com
Samples of some old maps for sale during the fair
VLAANDEREN, Cornelis André - L'Europe en Sept 1939. Ille terrarum mihi angulus ridet..
(Brugge, 1939).
GROSSI, A. - La Piovra Russa. Carta Serio-Comica Pel 1878. (Bologne, 14 april 1878)
MERIAN, M. - Paris (Frankfurt, c. 1636)
Le Salon des Cartes de Paris, le 8 novembre 2025, présente des cartes anciennes, des globes, des cartes murales, des atlas et des instruments de navigation anciens.
WAGHENAER, L.J. - (Amsterdam, 1602)
ORTELIUS, A. Islandia (Antwerp, 1590).
DANCKERTS, J. - Terrarum Orbis Terrarum. (Amsterdam, 1650)
VALK, L. Globe (Amsterdam ca. 1711)
WAGHENAER, J.L. Le Nouveau miroir des voiages marins de la navigation (Anvers, 1600)
Three points why you should visit Paris
- Make your visit more profitable and visit one or more of the 20 Paris shops offering maps, prints, and travel-related books or the hundreds of other bookshops and bouquinistes along the River Seine. Drouot's auction rooms have daily auctions.
Paris is still one of the best places to buy maps and prints. - You can also relax for a few hours or days following the fair and visit the Louvre, the map collection of the Bibliothéque Nationale, the Eiffel Tower, or the Moulin Rouge.
- Paris can be easily reached by fast TGV and Eurostar trains. Air France and Easy Jet are linking the rest of the world with Paris.
Hotel Ambassador Mariott is 45 minutes from Charles De Gaulle Airport and Orly Airport.
Mètro: Chaussèe d'Antin (lines 7+9), Richelieu Drouot (lines 8+9) and Opéra (lines 3+7+8)
Dealers who want to participate at the Paris Map Fair or who want more details about participation may click here for more dealer info or
register now.
MAP-MART Joint catalog
This online Map-Mart catalog offers year-round antique maps, atlases, scientific instruments, and globes for immediate sale.
Recommended Paris hotel reservation
We recommend booking early. November is a busy month for Paris and hotel rooms are cheaper when you book early.
If you like comfort, we recommend the Hotel Ambassador Mariott. The fair takes place in the hotel, which has valet parking and free storage for your items on Friday night..
A cost-effective alternative at a 5-minute walk is the MSocial Hôtel Paris.
Hotel Ambassador
The Paris Marriott Opera Ambassador is located in the heart of Paris, a short walk from the Opéra Garnier and Galleries Lafayette.
Rooms: euros 385.00 and up.
M Social Hôtel Paris
M Social Hôtel Paris is a 3-minute walk from Hotel Ambassador and is slightly more cost-effective.
Rooms: euros 225.00 and up.
The booking.com website can offer more hotels in the Opéra Garnier and the Galeries Lafayette district.
Rooms: euros 190.00 and up.
Librairie Loeb-Larocque31 rue de Tolbiac, 750213 Paris, France
Tél.: +33 6 11803375
Email: paris@map-fair.com
en partenariat avec Journal des Arts