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Habiti delle Donne Venetiane . . .
Title page of the book Habiti delle Donne Venetiane" (Dress of Venetian Women) which consists of twenty numbered plates of ornately dressed women. This very decorative title page shows in to Rialto Bridge and in the center a bird's-eye plan of Venice.Giacomo Franco (1556-1620) was born and grew in Venice, where he used to work. He was the son of painter Giovanni-Battista Franco (1510-1561), with whom he began his artistic training at the age of eleven. He worked as a painter, engraver, woodcutte...
Venise. 1700
Extremely rare panoramic broad sheet panoramic town-view of Venice with underneath in letter press a description of the town's history.The view measures more than 1 meter. The foreground is animated with a great variety of sailing vessels.The printer's address is dated 1699, but the tile has the date 1700. Most likely, Jaillot published the view to celebrate the turn of the century!
Venetia. [Venice ]
Very rare view of Venice published in the first edition of "Viaggio da Venetia, a Costantinopoli. Per Mare, e per Terra, & infieme quello di Terra Santa. Da Gioseppe Rosaccio con brevita descritto".Several of the maps and plans resemble those in G. F. Camocio's "Isole famose", in particular the maps of the individual Greek islands, among which are Corfu, Crete, Cyprus, together with a map of Palestine and a view of Jerusalem.It is possible that many of the plates may originate from 1590-1597, wh...
[Lot of 13 prints of the Chinese court] Habillement de l' Empereur dela Chine & des Dames de son Palais aves quel...
Prints of the Chinese court.[Lot of 13 prints]- Salle Imperiale De L'Audience, tiree de Nieuhof (1760)- Pagodes ou Statues; Miniso ou la Volupté (1749- Pagodes ou statues du temple. 1. Un defenseur de la patrie.- Mandians vacabonds / Autres mandais - Pagodes ou statues du temple- Salle Imperiale de l'Audience tiree de Nieuhof- Laboureurs (1750)- Cour du Grand Mogol- l'ambassadeur conduit a l’audience- Le Grand Throne Imperial.- Mandians Vagabonds. Autres Mandians / Zwervende Schooije...
Pas-Caart van de ZUYDER-ZEE, Texel ende Vlie-stroom.als mede 't Amelander gat (Hollandt/Vrieslandt)
An attractive chart of the Zuiderzee, now the inland water het IJselmeer.HOLLANDT / VRIESLANDTPas-Caart van de Zuyder-Zee, Texel ende Vlie-stroom.als mede 't Amelander gat (1665) 
[Set of 2 maps of Caspian Sea.] Carte marine de la Mer Caspiene. Levee suivant les ordres de S.M. Czariene, P
Guillaume de l' Isle (1675-1724), Royal Geographer, was the most influential cartographer of the first quarter of the 18th century. ' Atlas de Géographie' (1700-12), posthumous ' Atlas Nouveau' (1730). After the death of the widow of Pieter Mortier in 1719, the firm continued till 1778 as Covens & Mortier. They published numerous atlases and pocket atlases, using maps after de l' Isle and Jaillot.Two charts together depicting the Caspian Sea; the northern part of the Caspian Sea with insets dep...
[Lot of 14 maps of Germany] Nova Totius Germaniae Descriptio.
Willem Blaeu, founder of the famous publishing firm. Originally publishing pilot-guides, he issued his first atlas,  'Atlantis Appendix', in 1630, followed by his "Theatrum Orbis Terrarum" or "Novus Atlas" in 1635.Willem Blaeu's map of Germany. From the French edition of Willem Blaeu's atlas "Theatrum".  With 13 other map of general Germany by Tirion,  Bachienne and Bonne.[Lot of 14 maps]- Nova Totius Germaniae Descriptio.  Blaeu 1634- Nieuwe kaart van Duitsland verdeelt in zyn Thien Kre...
[ Lot of 2 maps of the Asian continent]Asia Divisa in Imperia, Regna & Status in que distribuitur, ad usum serenissimi Burgundiae Ducis
Fine map of the Asian continent published in Amsterdam by R. and J. Ottens, after H. Jaillot.Together with a map by Claude Buy de Mornas (d. 1783), géographe du Roi (1764). He published Atlas Méthodique et Elémentaire de Géographie et d' Histoire, 1761, Atlas Historique et Géographique, in 1762. All within an elaborate and very decorative border. A very fine item.[Lot of 2 maps]  of the Asian continent.-Asie-Asia Divisa in Imperia, Regna & Status in que distribuitur, ad usum serenissimi Bu...
[Lot of 17 maps] L' ISLE DE FRANCE Pariensis agri descriptio. Francois de la Hoeye fecit, Jean le Clerc excud.
The map of Ile de France which Jean Leclerc added in his re-issue of Maurice Bouguereau's atlas 'Theatre Francois' , as ' La Theatre geographique de France' in 1619. An uncommon and decorative map.[Lot of 17]  maps of F R A N C E- L'Isle de France, Parisiensis agri descrip(tio). - Gouvernemens de Picardie, de Boulonnois, et d’Artois (1768)- V.  Descrittione del Regno della Gallia (1598)-La France Divisée en ses quarante Gouvernamens Généraux et Militaire.- - Topographia aug. Turon. duca...
Geographie Universelle dite de Crozat.
A nice geographical dictionair with maps of the world and the continents and  maps of European countries. Lacks the maps of France and of the Turkish empire.
Original Maritime painting of the 'Cape Horn' , a so-called captain's ship drawing by R. Takes
A fine example of a so-called 'captain's portrait' of a clipper-ship under full sail. The name of the ship at the bow reads "Cape Horn" Signed in the lower right corner: R.Takes.
[Original drawing: Fisher's ships on the beach of Scheveningen.]
Unique pencil drawing: Typical Dutch beach life with flat-bottomed ships on the beach of Scheveningen. Signed in the lower right corner and on the back site with P.A. Beretta (Petrus Augustus Beretta)
[Dutch provo Propaganda Poster] De Vrije Maagd Radio
Published in 1969, the year of the student unrest in Europe.Het jaar van de studenten opstanden in Europese landen! DUTCH PROVO POSTERAmsterdammers, luister niet naar de met het kapitaal Kollaborerende Hilversumse radio, maar naar de vrije maagd: 225 mtr middengolfkom naar het Spui beleger de belegeraars !
Hydrograhica descriptio
This very rare chart is important as the first printed sea chart of the Mediterranean coast of Spain, Gibraltar, also depicting the northern coast of Marocco.Willem Barentsz (1560-1597) was a famous pilot, discoverer and cartographer. Author of 'Nieuwe Beschrhryvinghe ende caertboeck van de Midlantsche Zee', the first printed pilot-guide of the Mediterranean. It is considered the supplement of Waghenaer's 'Spieghel der Zeevaerdt' for the Mediterranean waters.
[The Americas] AMERIQUE
A map depicting both the Americas. With on both sides a descriptionary text. All within an elaborate and very decorative border. Claude Buy de Mornas (d. 1783), géographe du roi (1764). Atlas Méthodique et Elémentaire de Géographie et d' Histoire, 1761, Atlas Historique et Géographique, 1762.
[A Lot of 2 maps Europe]
Claude Buy de Mornas (d. 1783), géographe du roi (1764). Atlas Méthodique et Elémentaire de Géographie et d' Histoire, 1761, Atlas Historique et Géographique, 1762. A map showing the European continent. With on both sides a descriptionary text. All within an elaborate and very decorative border. A very fine item. Plus a map of Europe from Victor LeVasseur's Atlas, the last atlas with decorative maps.A lot of 2 maps Europe
[Lot of 10 maps] Carte Nouvelle de la Grande Tartary.
Antique map of Asian Russia] Carte Nouvelle de la Grande Tartarie ou de l'Empire du Grand Cham. With 10 maps / views of Asian Russia- Carte Nouvelle de la Grande Tartarie ou de L’empire du Grand Cham (1719)- Baie de castries settee sur la cote orientale de tartarie (1797)- Carte du Kamtchatka Dressee et Gravée par Laurent (1757)- 2x Gezichten der kust van Asiën.- Gezichten der kust van Kamtchatka.- Carte de la Tartarie Occidentale, Pour servir à l'Histoire Générale (1749)- IImperium Rus...