[Lot of 5 maps] Kaart van de noord-west kust van Amerika en de noord-oost kust van Asia.
- Kaart van de noord-west kust van Amerika en de noord-oost kust van Asia. Opgenoomen in de Jaaren 1778 en 1779.Captain James Cook (1728-79), explorer, circumnavigator and hydrographer. Three voyages, 1768-71, 1772-75 and 1776-79. From 1778 on printed editions of ' Captain Cook's Travels' appeared in English, Italian, French and Dutch east coast. From a Dutch edition of Cook's voyages'.- Carte d'une Partie DE L'AMERIQUE SEPTRIONALE qui comprendles POSSESSIONA ANGLAISES. This map depicts colonia...
[Lot of 6] Carte de la Baye d'Hocsieu. Fukin. (3 Maps + 3 Gravure of China)
[Lot of 6 items]. (3 Maps +3 gravure )- Carte de la Baye d'Hocsieu et des Entrees de la Riviere de Chang Situees dans la Province de Fokyen. J.N.Berlin 1748- Carte de l’Isle de Cheu Chan ou Isle de Chusan de la Province de Che-Kiang Avec les Costes et Isles voisines- Carte de la Baye d'Hocsieu et des Entrées de la Riviere de Chang. Situées, Dans la Province de Fokyen- Tempel van Quang-Que-Myau- Temple Chinois- De Seije-Reedery, uit de HaldeA detailed small chart of the estuary of the Chiang...
[Lot of 2 maps] Important plan of Port Bucarelli 1384 / Chart of the entrance of "Bassin de L'Quest", La Perouse. 1709
Chart of the entrance of "Bassin de L'Quest", La Perouse. 1709 / With antique print of Alaska] Pirogue du port des Francais. / Pirogue, trouvee au port des Francais. 5958 / [Antique map of Alaska] Plan der Haven van Namganoodha in het eiland van Oonolaska. 2665 / Antique detail chart of the Nootka Channel] Schets van het Kanaal van Nootka. 3860. Plus 6 prints of natives of Alaska and their utensils. A plan of Port Bucarelli, Jean François Galoup, Comte de la Pérouse (1741-88), outstanding Fren...
[Lot of 6 Maps of Germany] PALATINATUS BAVARIAE.
[Lot of 6 Maps of Germany]- La Basse Partie Du Cercle Du Haut Rhein divisé en tous ses Estats et Souverainetés. 1696 - (875x580 mm)- Wirtenberg Ducatus (Hondius) 1638 - (494x415 mm)- Partie Orientale Du Palatinat et Eslectorat Du Rhein. Les Eveschés De Spire, De Wormes et Le Comté de Linange. 1692 - (565x430 mm)An attractive map of Bayern, embellished with a fine strapwork title-cartouche and a cartouche with scales.From the Latin, 1613 edition.Gerard Mercator (1512-94). His ' Atlas sive...
[Lot of 15 maps/plans of northern France] Gouvernement d' Orleans et la Generalite divisee en ses Elections.
Alexis-Hubert Jaillot (1632-1712), French cartographer. He joined the Sanson heirs and redrew Nicolas Sanson's maps on a larger scale. 'Atlas Nouveau' (1674), sea-atlas ' Le Neptune François' (1693).An attractive large-format map depicting Orleans and vincinity. Embellished with a large title-cartouche and a cartouche with scales.Newly engraved for the counterfeited edition of the ' Atlas Nouveau', published by Pieter Mortier in Amsterdam. Ref.: Pastoureau, Les Atlas Français XVIe-XVIIe Siècl...
Hollandt: Hollandia quae olim Catthorum
One of the Earliest Printed Maps of Holland Produced in the Low Countries
Osservazioni meteorologiche e punti neri all'orizzonte
Osservazioni meteorologiche e punti neri all'orizzonte
Boertige reis door Europa. . . [with] Europa volgens de nieuwste verdeeling. . .
Rare illustrated publication including a rare map of Europe as a regal queen with the title "Geheimzinnige toebereidselen tot eene boertige reis door Europa. [...] voorgeleezen in [...] de maatschappij der verdiensten, onder de spreuk: Felix Meritis. / By A. Fokke Simonsz".The book contains a map of Europe (168x2369mm.) engraved by H.Klockhoff and a cartographical curiosity, "Europa volgens de nieuwste verdeeling...", Europe as a regal queen but with an interesting twist and political commentary...
't Hooge Heemraedschap van Delfland met alle de Steden, Dorpen, Ambachten, Litmaten, Polders, (etc.).
The so-called Kruquius map is a wall-map of the Delfland water board district. The map consists of 25 engraved map sheets. Several maps flanked by fine large armorial cartouches. All sheets together cover a wall map with a total area of 230 x 280 cm. The map was often bound in a rich gilted calf binding and presented as gifts to important persons. The atlas than included also the overview map. According to Prof. Koeman "Thanks to the quality of the cartography (a “sensitive” scale of 1:10,00...
Terrestrial globe: Cosmotheore, Caelesti nostro Globo,
An extraordinary, eye-catching set of these rare globes.
Caert-Thresoor verschijnt 4 keer per jaar op papier
Caert-Thresoor verschijnt 4 keer per jaar op papier. Een jaarabonnement kost in Nederland € 37,50, in België € 40,00, en in overige Europese landen en buiten Europa € 47,50.Voor overige vragen, zoals advertenties en losse nummers, schrijf naar: Caert-Thresoor Abonnementen en administratie
Painting made by a sailor, signed W. Welman.
Painting made by a sailor, signed W.Welman.
Leti, Amsterdam
54x42,5 cm. Amstelodami Celeberrimi Hollandiae emporii Delineato Nova. Colored Copper engraving. G. Leti. Amsterdam 1690
Nova et Accuratissima Totius Terrarum Orbis Tabula.
Since its appearance as an Appendix in 1630, the atlas launched by
Willem Blaeu and continued by his son Joan had expanded greatly. But
despite many new regional maps the world map remained unchanged. For
some reason, Joan Blaeu's important wall map of 1648 was not immediately
adapted by his firm for atlas use.The New
World map prepared by Joan Blaeu for his eleven-volume 'Atlas Maior' in
1662 is, unlike its predecessor, in two hemispheres. Outside the twin
hemispheres at the top a...